9:30 |
David Jefferson |
Welcome |
9:45 |
Peter Barnes |
Update on LLNL Models |
10:15 |
Elsa Gonsiorowski |
Enabling Extreme-Scale Circuit Modeling Using Massively Parallel Discrete-Event Simulations |
10:45 |
Break |
11:00 |
Nikhil Jain |
Roadblocks to Smooth Scalable Simulations |
11:30 |
Eric Mikida |
Research related to ROSS/Charm++ |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:15 |
Markus Schordan |
Backstroke: A Framework for Establishing Reversibility of C++ |
13:45 |
Euna Kim |
Research related to ns-3/Backstroke |
14:05 |
Tomas Oppelstrup |
Issues and lessons learned in running Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations over ROSS |
14:35 |
Break |
15:00 |
Elsa Gonsiorowski |
ROSS Enhancements |
15:30 |
Arthur Goldberg |
Whole Cell Modeling |
16:00 |
General Discussion |