Markus Schordan is a computer scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC)). His research interests include program analysis and verification, reverse code generation, programming languages for high-performance computing, and compiler construction. The software systems of interest are specific HPC applications and large-scale software systems in general. The reverse code generation is of interest for optimistic parallel discrete event simulation.
In 2009 he received an R&D 100 AWARD (ROSE), in 2011 a Best Paper Award at the 11th IEEE Source-Code and Manipulation Conference (SCAM 2011), in 2012 and 2013 the Method Combination Award in the RERS Challenges, and in 2014 he won the RERS 2014 Challenge (1st in 5 of 7 categories, including category overall).
He received a Diploma Degree in computer science from TU Vienna in 1997, and a PhD degree from University Klagernfurt in 2001 (with distinction). He is author or co-author of 30+ refereed and invited papers of conferences and journals.
He has served as co-organizer of ISoLA 2014 Track “Evaluation and Reproducibility of Program Analysis”, GPUScA 2011, GPUScA 2010, Dagstuhl Seminar No. 08161, ISoLA’08 Track: Formal Methods for Analysing and Verifying Very Large Systems, and EuroPar’03 Topic 04: Compilers for High-Performance. He served as program committee member of several conferences, most recently Euro-Par 2015, SOFSEM 2015, ISoLA 2014, SYNASC 2014, SYNASC 2013, ARW 2013.
See more his homepage.